This property sets/gets the normal state of the active SwtControl active. If not Locked, the switch reverts to this state for reset, change of mode, etc. Defaults to first Action or State specified if not specifically declared.
% Create DSS object
DSSObject = actxserver('OpenDSSEngine.DSS')
if ~DSSObject.Start(0),
disp('Unable to start openDSS');
DSSText = DSSObject.Text;
DSSCircuit = DSSObject.ActiveCircuit;
% Compile a model
DSSText.Command = 'Compile C:\myPath\myModel.dss';
DSSSwtCtrl = DSSCircuit.SwtControls;
% activates the first SW of the list
i = DSSSwtCtrl.First;
% gets the normal state of the active SW
myNormal = DSSSwtCtrl.NormalState;