(read only)

This property returns the number of isolated loads.


% Create DSS object

DSSObject = actxserver('OpenDSSEngine.DSS')

if ~DSSObject.Start(0),

                    disp('Unable to start openDSS');



DSSText = DSSObject.Text;

DSSCircuit = DSSObject.ActiveCircuit;

% Compile a model        

DSSText.Command = 'Compile C:\myPath\myModel.dss';

DSSTopology = DSSCircuit.Topology;

% Activate first branch on the list (closer to the substation)

i = DSSTopology.Fist;

% gets the index of the first load in the active branch 

j = DSSTopology.FirstLoad;

% gets the number of isolated loads

myNumIsolatedLd = DSSTopology.NumIsolatedLoads;