This interface can be used to read/write certain properties of the active DSS object. The structure of the interface is as follows:

double PDElementsF(int32_t Parameter, double Argument);

This interface returns a floating point number with the result of the query according to the value of the variable Parameter, which can be one of the following:

Parameter 0: PDElements.FaultRate read

This parameter gets the number of failures per year. For LINE elements: Number of failures per unit length per year.

Parameter 1: PDElements.FaultRate write

This parameter sets the number of failures per year. For LINE elements: Number of failures per unit length per year.

Parameter 2: PDElements.PctPermanent read

This parameter gets the percent of faults that are permanent (require repair). Otherwise, fault is assumed to be transient/temporary.

Parameter 3: PDElements.PctPermanent write

This parameter sets the percent of faults that are permanent (require repair). Otherwise, fault is assumed to be transient/temporary.

Parameter 4: PDElements.Lambda

This parameter gets the failure rate for this branch. Faults per year including length of line.

Parameter 5: PDElements.AccumulatedL

This parameter gets the accumulated failure rate for this branch on down line.

Parameter 6: PDElements.RepairTime

This parameter gets the average time to repair a permanent fault on this branch, hours.

Parameter 7: PDElements.TotalMiles

This parameter gets the total miles of line from this element to the end of the zone. For recloser siting algorithm.