Parser Interface Notes
Parser Interface Notes and History
In version we have added an interface to the internal OpenDSS command line parser to the COM interface. This will help users who want to formulate their own version of a scripting language like the one in OpenDSS.
Also, it is better for parsing CSV files than the features in some languages. And it is more forgiving in many ways when there are inconsistencies in the data to be parsed.
Basic Usage
First, define a public variable, such as DSSParser, to retain the link to the Parser interface when you start the server. For example, the typical VBA code for starting the server is something like this:
Public DSSobj As OpenDSSengine.DSS
Public DSSText As OpenDSSengine.Text
Public DSSParser As OpenDSSengine.Parser
Create a new instance of the DSS
Set DSSobj = New OpenDSSengine.DSS
' Start the DSS
If Not DSSobj.Start(0) Then
MsgBox "DSS Failed to Start"
' MsgBox "DSS Started successfully"
' Assign a variable to each of the interfaces for easier access
Set DSSText = DSSobj.Text
Set DSSCircuit = DSSobj.ActiveCircuit
Set DSSSolution = DSSCircuit.Solution
Set DSSParser = DSSobj.Parser
Then load a string to be parsed into DSSParser.CmdString.
Once the parser is loaded, you can parse off the tokens one at a time. The tokens can have the same form a you would use in OpenDSS, including arrays and inline math in RPN form.
If you wish, you can even change the hard delimiters and quote pairs.
You advance to the next token on the line by invoking the NextParam property. This returns the name of the field, if any (if an "=" was found). You can also check the string value of any token value at this time by invoking the StrValue property.
If you are expecting a double value, use the DblValue property.
If you are expecting an integer value, use the IntValue property.
When AutoIncrement is False, you must invoke the NextParam property to advance to the next token. If you are confident in the format of your data, you can set AutoIncrement to True and the parser will automatically advance to the next token for StrValue, DblValue, and IntValue properties.
The Vector and Matrix properties each return a variant array of doubles given input data in starndard OpenDSS array and matrix format.
The Matrix properties returns the array in column order like Fortran would for two-dimensional arrays.
VBA Example
You can run this example in Excel to test the Parser Interface. You first define the DSSParser variable as above when OpenDSSEngine is started. It demonstrates parsing the same line of text with and without the AutoIncrement feature turned on.
Public Sub TestParser()
Dim Mydbl As Double
Dim Myint As Long
Dim MyArray As Variant
Dim MyMatrix As Variant
Dim ParamName As String, TokenValue As String
Dim i As Long
' VBA Example of using features of DSSParser interface to parse a text line
With DSSParser
.AutoIncrement = False
.CmdString = "cmd=ParseThiscmd dblvalue=1.234 intvalue=56 strvalue=teststring Array=[10 11 12 13] ' Open an output file
Open "Parsertest.txt" For Output As #1
Print #1, "Command String"
Print #1, .CmdString
Print #1,
' cmd
ParamName = .NextParam
TokenValue = .StrValue
Print #1, ParamName; "="; TokenValue
' dbl
ParamName = .NextParam
TokenValue = .StrValue
Mydbl = .DblValue
Print #1, ParamName; "="; TokenValue; ": "; Mydbl
' int
ParamName = .NextParam
TokenValue = .StrValue
Myint = .IntValue
Print #1, ParamName; "="; TokenValue; ": "; Myint
' strvalue
ParamName = .NextParam
TokenValue = .StrValue
Print #1, ParamName; "="; TokenValue
' Array of dbls
ParamName = .NextParam
TokenValue = .StrValue
MyArray = .Vector(10) ' specify expected size bigger than array; Parser will correct
Print #1, ParamName; "="; TokenValue; ": ";
For i = LBound(MyArray) To UBound(MyArray)
Print #1, " ", MyArray(i);
Next i
Print #1,
' 2 x 2 Matrix of dbls
ParamName = .NextParam
TokenValue = .StrValue
MyArray = .Matrix(2) ' return a 2x2 in column order
Print #1, ParamName; "="; TokenValue; ": "
Print #1, "Row 1: ", MyArray(0), ", ", MyArray(2)
Print #1, "Row 2: ", MyArray(1), ", ", MyArray(3)
' Now repeat the same code with AutoIncrement ON
' NextParam is automatically called after the token is retrieved
' ParamName is not set and can't call strValue without advancing token pointer
Print #1,
Print #1, "-----------------------with AutoIncrement--------------------------- "
Print #1,
.AutoIncrement = True
.CmdString = "cmd=ParseThiscmd dblvalue=1.234 intvalue=56 strvalue=teststring Array=[10 11 12 13]
Print #1, "Command String"
Print #1, .CmdString
Print #1,
' cmd
TokenValue = .StrValue
Print #1, TokenValue
' dbl
Mydbl = .DblValue
Print #1, Mydbl
' int
Myint = .IntValue
Print #1, Myint
' strvalue
Print #1, .StrValue
.AutoIncrement = False ' can't use autoincrement with Vector and Matrix
' Array of dbls
ParamName = .NextParam
MyArray = .Vector(10) ' specify expected size bigger than array. Parser will correct.
Print #1, "Array: ";
For i = LBound(MyArray) To UBound(MyArray)
Print #1, " ", MyArray(i);
Next i
Print #1,
' 2 x 2 Matrix of dbls
ParamName = .NextParam
MyArray = .Matrix(2) ' return a 2x2 in column order
Print #1, "2 x 2 Matrix"; ": "
Print #1, "Row 1: ", MyArray(0), ", ", MyArray(2)
Print #1, "Row 2: ", MyArray(1), ", ", MyArray(3)
Close #1
End With
Shell ("notepad Parsertest.txt")
End Sub