PeakShave is the default discharge mode. The control attempts to discharge the storage fleet to keep power in the monitored element within a bandwidth (specified by either %kWBand or kWBand properties) of, or below, the kW value specified by the kWTarget property. The controller will request as much power as necessary, limited by the inverter rated kW (kWrated property) of each element of the fleet, to accomplish this. The fleet turns itself off when it runs out of stored energy. The basic concept is to follow the load by keeping the load in the monitored terminal at or below the value. Figure 2 illustrates the operation of the controller in this mode assuming that the fleet has enough energy and power capacity to completely shave the peak. The monitored branch would typically be a line or transformer that might be considered overloaded at the target value. Note that it is possible to change kWtarget on the fly for real time control simulation.

A graph with a line and a line

Figure 2: Operation in PeakShave/I-PeakShave Mode