This interface can be used to read/write certain properties of the active DSS object. The structure of the interface is as follows:

CStr ReduceCktS(int32_t Parameter, CStr Argument);

This interface returns a string with the result of the query according to the value of the variable Parameter, which can be one of the following:

Parameter 0: ReduceCkt.EditString - Read

This property gets the string containing the OpenDSS command appended to the BranchRemove option when a new load is defined to represent the load on the removed branch.

Parameter 1: ReduceCkt.EditString - Write

This property sets the string containing the OpenDSS command appended to the BranchRemove option when a new load is defined to represent the load on the removed branch. The EditString must be specified in the argument.

Parameter 2: ReduceCkt.EnergyMeter - Read

This property gets the name of EnergyMeter object for circuit reduction.

Parameter 3: ReduceCkt.EnergyMeter - Write

This property sets the name of EnergyMeter object for circuit reduction. The name of the EnergyMeter must be specified in the argument.

Parameter 4: ReduceCkt.SaveCircuit

This method executes the Save Circuit command from the COM interface. Saves the reduced circuit in a directory with the specified name. The full path name of the Master.DSS file is return in the DSSText.Result property. The name of the circuit must be specified in the argument.

Parameter 5: ReduceCkt.StartPDElement - Read

This property gets the full name of the first PDelement for the BranchRemove command ( -> e.g. Line.myLine).

Parameter 6: ReduceCkt.StartPDElement - Write

This property sets the full name of the first PDelement for the BranchRemove command ( -> e.g. Line.myLine). The PDElement name must be specified in the argument.