This interface can be used to read/write certain properties of the active DSS object. The structure of the interface is as follows:

int32_t StoragesI(int32_t Parameter, int32_t Argument);

This interface returns an integer with the result of the query according to the value of the variable Parameter, which can be one of the following:

Parameter 0: Storages.First

Set first Storage element active; returns 0 if none.

Parameter 1: Storages.Next

Sets next Storage element active; returns 0 if no more.

Parameter 2: Storages.Count

Returns the number of Storage Elements.

Parameter 3: Storages.Idx read

This parameter gets the active Storage element by index:  1.. Count

Parameter 4: Storages.Idx write

This parameter sets the active Storage element by index:  1.. Count.

Parameter 5: Storages.State read

This parameter gets the state of the active storage object: 0=Idling; 1=Discharging; -1=Charging;

Parameter 6: Storages.State write

This parameter sets the state of the active storage object: 0=Idling; 1=Discharging; -1=Charging;

Parameter 7: Storages.ControloMode read

This parameter gets the control mode for the inverter of the active Storage object. It can be one of {GFM = 1| GFL* = 0}.

Parameter 8: Storages.ControlMode write

This parameter sets the control mode for the inverter of the active Storage object. It can be one of {GFM = 1| GFL* = 0}.

Parameter 9: Storages.SafeMode

(Read only) Indicates whether the inverter entered (1) or not (0) into Safe Mode.

Parameter 10: Storages.VarFollowInverter read

This parameter gets the Boolean variable (1|0). Defaults to False (0), which indicates that the reactive power generation/absorption does not respect the inverter status.

Parameter 11: Storages.VarFollowInverter write

This parameter sets the Boolean variable (1|0) indicating that the reactive power generation/absorption does not respect the inverter status.