This property sets/gets the full name of the circuit element switch that the fuse controls. Defaults to the MonitoredObj.
% Create DSS object
DSSObject = actxserver('OpenDSSEngine.DSS')
if ~DSSObject.Start(0),
disp('Unable to start openDSS');
DSSText = DSSObject.Text;
DSSCircuit = DSSObject.ActiveCircuit;
% Compile a model
DSSText.Command = 'Compile C:\myPath\myModel.dss';
DSSFuses = DSSCircuit.Fuses;
% Activates the first fuse on the list
myIdx = DSSFuses.First;
% gets the name of the switching object
myOldSWObj = DSSFuses.SwitchedObj;
% Then assigns the fuse to switch line.line1
DSSFuses.SwitchedObj = 'Line.Line1';
% Assigns terminal for switching the SwitchedObj assigned above
DSSFuses.SwitchedTerm = 2;