This property sets/gets the accumulated time of the simulation. This accumulator has to be reset manually.
% Create DSS object
DSSObject = actxserver('OpenDSSEngine.DSS')
if ~DSSObject.Start(0),
disp('Unable to start openDSS');
DSSText = DSSObject.Text;
DSSCircuit = DSSObject.ActiveCircuit;
% Compile a model
DSSText.Command = 'Compile C:\myPath\myModel.dss';
DSSSolution = DSSCircuit.Solution;
% Set load multiplier 1.1
DSSSolution.LoadMult = 1.1;
% Set max control iterations to 100
DSSSolution.LoadMult = 100;
% Set max solution iterations to 20
DSSSolution.MaxIterations = 20;
% set simulation mode daily
DSSSolution.Mode = 1;
% Set number to perform only 12 hours
DSSSolution.Number = 12;
% Reset total time accumulator
DSSSolution.Total_Time = 0;
% Solve the model
% gets the percent default of load growth
disp(['Total time required for performing the last solution (us): ', num2str(DSSSolution.Total_Time)])