Transformer Object

The Transfomer is implemented as a multi-terminal (two or more) power delivery element.

A transfomer consists of two or more Windings, connected in somewhat arbitrary fashion (with a default Wye-Delta connection). You can specify the parameters one winding at a time or use arrays to set all the winding values at once. Use the "wdg=…" parameter to select a winding for editing.

Note that you can define an XfmrCode object to define a Transformer object. This will same some coding in large circuits where many transformers are identical.

Transformers have one or more phases. The number of conductors per terminal is always one more than the number of phases. For wye- or star-connected windings, the extra conductor is the neutral point. For delta-connected windings, the extra terminal is open internally (you normally leave this connected to node 0).