This property sets/gets the percent reactance, H-T (winding 1 to winding 3). Use for 3-winding transformers only. On the kVA base of winding 1.
% Create DSS object
DSSObject = actxserver('OpenDSSEngine.DSS')
if ~DSSObject.Start(0),
disp('Unable to start openDSS');
DSSText = DSSObject.Text;
DSSCircuit = DSSObject.ActiveCircuit;
% Compile a model
DSSText.Command = 'Compile C:\myPath\myModel.dss';
DSSXfmr = DSSCircuit.Transformers;
% Activates the first transformer on the list
i = DSSXfmr.First;
% gets the name of the XfmrCode for the active transformer (if any)
myXfmrCode = DSSXfmr.XfmrCode;
% gets the % reactance 1-2 for the active transformer
myXHL = DSSXfmr.xhl;
% gets the % reactance 1-3 for the active transformer
myXHT = DSSXfmr.xht;