Introduction to the Circuit Interface
The circuit interface is commonly used to edit the properties of the various elements in a circuit. Nearly all the element classes in OpenDSS (ie, Lines, Loads, Capacitors, CapControls, etc…) have a child object under the circuit interface. These child objects also have convenient functions to allow one to iterate through the member elements which are useful when looping. For example, this script will loop through all the loads in a circuit and scale the kW up by 20%:
' Step through every load and scale it up
Dim iLoads As Integer ' Track what load we're on
iLoads = DSSCircuit.Loads.First
While iLoads
' Scale load by 120%
DSSCircuit.Loads.kW = DSSCircuit.Loads.kW * 1.2
' Move to next load
iLoads = DSSCircuit.Loads.Next
End While
If one wants to edit a specific element, use the SetActiveElement method and the ActiveDSSElement interface as shown below:
' Set a capacitor's rated kVAR to 1200
DSSCircuit.ActiveDSSElement.Properties("kVAR").Val = 1200
However, the benefit of this method over simply using the text interface, as shown below, is debatable. Use whichever method makes sense to you.
' Does the same thing as the previous snippet
DSSText.Command = "Capacitor.C83.kVAR = 1200"
Another useful feature of the Circuit Interface is to retrieve power flow results, such as bus voltages, element losses, etc… This example gets the bus names and voltages:
' Get bus voltages
Dim BusNames As String()
Dim Voltages As Double()
BusNames = DSSCircuit.AllBusNames
Voltages = DSSCircuit.AllBusVmagPu
' See what an arbitrary bus's voltage is
MsgBox(BusNames(5) & "'s voltage mag in per unit is: " & Voltages(5))
For more on getting power flow results from the circuit interface, see the “All commands” (AllElementLoses, AllNodeVmagByPhase, etc…) in the COM Interface section.