Properties of smart inverter volt-watt function
The following list shows the properties that should be set when the volt-watt function is enabled through one of the ensuing two modes: VOLTWATT or VV_VW.
- voltwatt_curve: Name of the XYCurve object containing the volt-watt curve;
- VoltwattYAxis: Defines the y axis in pu of the volt-watt curve. The options for this property are listed below:
- PMPPPU : The y axis corresponds to the value in pu of Pmpp property of the PVSystem;
- PAVAILABLEPU : The y axis corresponds to the value in pu of the available active power of the PVSystem;
- PCTPMPPPU : The y axis corresponds to the value in pu of the power Pmpp multiplied 1/100 of the %Pmpp property of the PVSystem;
- KVARATINGPU : The y axis corresponds to the value in pu of the kVA property of the PVSystem.