RPN Expressions
Basically, you enter the same keystrokes as you would with an RPN calculator (such as an HP 48). One difference is that you separate numbers, operators, and functions by a space or comma. The RPN calculator in OpenDSS has a "stack" of 10 registers just like some calculators. In the function descriptions that follow, the first stack register is referred to as "X" and the next higher as "Y" as on the HP calculator. When a new number is entered, the existing registers are rolled up and the new number is inserted into the X register.
These functions operate on the first two registers, X and Y:
+ Add the last two operands (X and Y registers; result in X; X = X + Y )
- X = Y - X
* X = X * Y
/ X = Y / X
^ (exponentiation) X = Y to the X power
These unitary functions operate on the X register and leave the result in X.
sqr X=X*X
sqrt take the square root of X
inv (inverse of X = 1/X)
ln (natural log of X)
exp (e to the X)
log10 (Log base 10 of X)
sin for X in degrees, take the sine
cos for X in degrees, take the cosine
tan for X in degrees, take the tangent
asin take the inverse sine, result in degrees
acos take the inverse cosine, result in degrees
atan take the arc tangent, result in degrees
atan2 take the arc tangent with two arguments, Y=rise and X = run, result in degrees over all four quadrants
The following functions manipulate the stack of registers
Rollup shift all registers up
Rolldn shift all registers dn
Swap swap X and Y
There is one constant preprogrammed: pi