SettingsF (Float) Interface
This interface can be used to read/write certain properties of the active DSS object. The structure of the interface is as follows:
double SettingsF(int32_t Parameter, double Argument);
This interface returns a floating point number with the result of the query according to the value of the variable Parameter, which can be one of the following:
Parameter 0: Settings.AllocationFactors
This parameter sets all load allocation factors for all loads defined by XFKVA property to this value.
Parameter 1: Settings.NormVminpu read
This parameter gets the per unit minimum voltage for Normal conditions.
Parameter 2: Settings.NormVminpu write
This parameter sets the per unit minimum voltage for Normal conditions.
Parameter 3: Settings.NormVmaxpu read
This parameter gets the per unit maximum voltage for Normal conditions.
Parameter 4: Settings.NormVmaxpu write
This parameter sets the per unit maximum voltage for Normal conditions.
Parameter 5: Settings.EmergVminpu read
This parameter gets the per unit minimum voltage for Emergency conditions.
Parameter 6: Settings.EmergVminpu write
This parameter set the per unit minimum voltage for Emergency conditions.
Parameter 7: Settings.EmergVmaxpu read
This parameter gets the per unit maximum voltage for Emergency conditions.
Parameter 8: Settings.EmergVmaxpu write
This parameter sets the per unit maximum voltage for Emergency conditions.
Parameter 9: Settings.UEWeight read
This parameter gets the weighting factor applied to UE register values.
Parameter 10: Settings.UEWeight write
This parameter sets the weighting factor applied to UE register values.
Parameter 11: Settings.LossWeight read
This parameter gets the weighting factor applied to Loss register values.
Parameter 12: Settings.LossWeight write
This parameter sets the weighting factor applied to Loss register values.
Parameter 13: Settings.PriceSignal read
This parameter gets the price signal for the circuit.
Parameter 14: Settings.PriceSignal write
This parameter sets the price signal for the circuit.