This interface can be used to read/write certain properties of the active DSS object. The structure of the interface is as follows:

int32_t SettingsI(int32_t Parameter, int32_t Argument);

This interface returns an integer with the result of the query according to the value of the variable Parameter, which can be one of the following:

Parameter 0: Settings.AllowDuplicates read

This parameter gets if OpenDSS allows duplicate names of objects: {1 allow, 0 not allow}.

Parameter 1: Settings.AllowDuplicates Write

This parameter sets if OpenDSS allows duplicate names of objects: {1 allow, 0 not allow}.

Parameter 2: Settings.ZoneLock read

This parameter gets the status of Lock zones on energy meters to prevent rebuilding if a circuit change occurs: {1= true, 0= False}.

Parameter 3: Settings.ZoneLock Write

This parameter sets the status of Lock zones on energy meters to prevent rebuilding if a circuit change occurs: {1= true, 0= False}.

Parameter 4: Settings.CktModel read

This parameter gets {dssMultiphase* | dssPositiveSeq} Indicate if the circuit model is positive sequence.

Parameter 5: Settings.CktModel Write

This parameter sets {dssMultiphase* | dssPositiveSeq} Indicate if the circuit model is positive sequence.

Parameter 6: Settings.Trapezoidal read

This parameter gets {True (1) | False (0)} value of trapezoidal integration flag in Energy Meters.

Parameter 7: Settings.Trapezoidal Write

This parameter sets {True (1) | False (0)} value of trapezoidal integration flag in Energy Meters.