TDSSCircuit |
Type-access |
Command |
Description |
Method-private |
AddDeviceHandle |
Adds a handle Index into CktElements. |
Method-private |
AddABus |
Reallocates the bus array for adding a new element. |
Method-private |
AddANodeBus |
Reallocates the MapNodeToBus array for adding a new element. |
Property-private |
AddBus |
Adds a new bus to the bus list, reallocates memory if needed. |
Method-private |
Set_ActiveCktElement |
Sets the given ckt element active in the actor context. |
Method-private |
Set_BusNameRedefined |
Force Rebuilding of SystemY if bus def has changed so controls will know buses redefined. |
Property-private |
Get_Losses |
Gets the total Circuit losses. |
Property-private |
Set_LoadMultiplier |
Sets the load multiplier in the actor context. |
Property-private |
SaveBusInfo |
Save existing bus definitions and names for info that needs to be restored. |
Property-private |
RestoreBusInfo |
Restore kV bases, other values to buses still in the list. |
Property-private |
SaveMasterFile |
Write Redirect for all populated DSS Classes Except Solution Class. |
Property-private |
SaveDSSObjects |
Write Files for all populated DSS Classes Except Solution Class. |
Property-private |
SaveFeeders |
Write out all energy meter zones to separate subdirectories. |
Property-private |
SaveBusCoords |
Writes the circuit’s buscoords into the file assigned. |
Property-private |
SaveGISCoords |
Writes the circuit’s GIS coordinates into the file assigned. |
Property-private |
SaveVoltageBases |
Writes the circuit’s bus voltage bases into the file assigned. |
Method-private |
ReallocDeviceList |
Reallocate the device list to improve the performance of searches. |
Method-private |
Set_CaseName |
Stores in memory the case name assigned by the user. |
Property-private |
Get_Name |
Gets the circuit name. |
Method-public |
AddCktElement |
Adds last DSS object created to circuit. |
Method-public |
ClearBusMarkers |
Clears all the bus marker objects in the model. |
Method-public |
TotalizeMeters |
Totalize all energymeters in the problem. |
Property-public |
ComputeCapacity |
Calculates the system total capacity. |
Property-public |
Save |
Save the present circuit - Enabled devices only. |
Method-public |
ProcessBusDefs |
Processes the bus definitions in the circuit. |
Method-public |
ReProcessBusDefs |
Redo all Buslists, nodelists. Includes memory reallocation if needed. |
Method-public |
DoResetMeterZones |
Do this only if meterzones unlocked. Normally, Zones will remain unlocked so that all changes to the circuit will result in rebuilding the lists. |
Property-public |
SetElementActive |
Sets the given element active in the global context for the active actor. |
Method-public |
InvalidateAllPCElements |
Forces rebuild of matrix on next solution. |
Method-public |
DebugDump |
Writes the debug file in the active folder. |
Property-public |
GetTopology |
Access to topology from the first source. |
Method-public |
FreeTopology |
Frees all the elements within the topology object. |
Property-public |
GetBusAdjacentPDLists |
Returns the PD list adjacent to the active point in the topology tree. |
Property-public |
GetBusAdjacentPCLists |
Returns the PC list adjacent to the active point in the topology tree. |
Property-public |
Tear_Circuit |
Tears the circuit considering the number of Buses of the original Circuit. |
Property-public |
Create_MeTIS_graph |
Generates the graph describing the model for MeTiS. |
Property-public |
Create_MeTIS_Zones |
Executes MeTiS and loads the zones into memory for further use. |
Method-public |
AggregateProfiles |
Aggregates profiles using the number of zones defined by the user. |
Method-public |
Disable_All_DER |
Disables all DER present in the model. |
Method-public |
Save_SubCircuits |
Saves the subcircuits created in memory into the hard drive. |
Property-public |
getPCEatBus |
Returns the list of all PCE connected to the bus name given at BusName. |
Property-public |
getPDEatBus |
Returns the list of all PDE connected to the bus name given at BusName. |
Property-public |
ReportPCEatBus |
Gets all PCE at given bus and returns the list as string. |
Property-public |
ReportPDEatBus |
Gets all PDE at given bus and returns the list as string. |
Property-public |
get_Line_Bus |
Delivers the name of the bus at the specific line and terminal. |
Method-public |
get_longest_path |
This routine calculates the longest path within a linearized graph considering the zero level buses as the beginning of new path. |
Property-public |
Append2PathsArray |
Appends a new path to the array and returns the index(1D). |
Method-public |
Normalize_graph |
This routine normalizes the Inc_matrix levels. |
Method-public |
Get_paths_4_Coverage |
Calculates the paths inside the graph to guarantee the desired coverage when tearing the system. |
Method-public |
Format_SubCircuits |
Arrange the files of the subcircuits to make them independent. |
Method-public |
AppendIsources |
Appends single phase ISources to each node of bus specified if the given linkBranch. These actions take place within the given file. |
Property-public |
Name |
PA Get_Name. |
Property-public |
CaseName |
PA FCaseName (variable) and Set_CaseName. |
Property-public |
ActiveCktElement |
PA FActiveCktElement (variable) and Set_ActiveCktElement. |
Property-public |
Losses |
PA Get_Losses. |
Property-public |
BusNameRedefined |
PA FBusNameRedefined (variable) and Set_BusNameRedefined. |
Property-public |
LoadMultiplier |
PA FLoadMultiplier (variable) and Set_LoadMultiplier. |