TSolutionObj |
Type-access |
Command |
Description |
Implements the following properties/methods as in 3.3.15:
Property-private |
Converged |
Returns a Boolean flag indicating if the latest simulation job converged. |
Property-private |
OK_for_Dynamics |
Initializes the environment variables required for dynamics mode. |
Property-private |
OK_for_Harmonics |
Initializes the environment variables required for harmonics mode. |
Method-private |
DoNewtonSolution |
Implements a version of the solution algorithm using Newton-Raphson. |
Method-private |
DoNormalSolution |
Implements the standard solution algorithm in OpenDSS-X based on floating-point solver. |
Method-private |
SetGeneratordQdV |
Save the generator dispatch level and set on high enough to turn all generators on. |
Method-private |
SumAllCurrents |
Sums terminal currents into system Currents Array. |
Method-private |
Set_Frequency |
Forces Rebuild of all Y Primitives and to rebuild of System Y using the given frequency. |
Method-private |
Set_Mode |
Sets the given simulation mode and initializes the environment variables to the default values for the mode. |
Method-private |
Set_Year |
Sets the simulation time variables using the given year. |
Method-private |
Set_Total_Time |
Stores the given time into the total time variable. |
Method-public |
ZeroAuxCurrents |
Sets the aux. currents array to zero. |
Method-public |
SolveZeroLoadSnapShot |
Solves a power flow using the Y series matrix only (no shunt elements). |
Method-public |
DoPFLOWsolution |
Executes the active power flow solution algorithm. |
Method-public |
Solve |
Main Solution dispatch. |
Method-public |
SnapShotInit |
Initializes the variables and environment for a snapshot simulation. |
Property-public |
SolveSnap |
Solves the model once. |
Property-public |
SolveDirect |
Solves for now once, direct solution (non-iterative). |
Property-public |
SolveYDirect |
Like SolveDirect; used for initialization. |
Property-public |
SolveCircuit |
SolveSnap sans control iteration. |
Method-public |
CheckControls |
Snapshot checks with matrix rebuild, it takes place after a solution has been calculated. |
Method-public |
SampleControlDevices |
Commands all control devices in the model for the active actor to take a sample. |
Method-public |
DoControlActions |
Commands all control devices in the model for the active actor to perform all pending control actions in the control queue. |
Method-public |
Sample_DoControlActions |
Calls SampleControlDevices and DoControlActions routines. |
Method-public |
Check_Fault_Status |
Checks the status of all the faults within the circuit model. |
Property-public |
SolveAD |
Solves one of the A-Diakoptics stages locally. |
Method-public |
SetGeneratorDispRef |
Sets the global generator dispatch reference. |
Method-public |
SetVoltageBases |
Sets voltage bases using voltage at first node (phase) of a bus. |
Method-public |
SaveVoltages |
Saves the present voltages into a txt file. |
Method-public |
UpdateVBus |
Updates voltages for each bus from NodeV. |
Method-public |
RestoreNodeVfromVbus |
Opposite of updatebus. |
Property-public |
VDiff |
Calculates the difference between two node voltages. |
Method-public |
Get_Yiibus |
Updates voltages for each bus from NodeV. |
Property-public |
Get_Yij |
Gets Gij + j Bij. |
Method-public |
WriteConvergenceReport |
Writes the convergence report to the hard drive. |
Method-public |
Update_dblHour |
Updates the time in the floating-point time register (DBL) in hours. |
Method-public |
Increment_time |
Increments the solution time according to the simulation time step. |
Method-public |
UpdateLoopTime |
Update Loop time is called from end of time step cleanup. Timer is based on beginning of SolveSnap time. |
Property-public |
Mode |
PA dynavars.SolutionMode (variable) and Set_Mode. |
Property-public |
Frequency |
PA FFrequency (variable) and Set_Frequency. |
Property-public |
Year |
PA FYear (variable) and Set_Year. |
Property-public |
Time_Solve |
PA Solve_Time_Elapsed. |
Property-public |
Time_TotalSolve |
PA Total_Solve_Time_Elapsed. |
Property-public |
Time_Step |
PA Step_Time_Elapsed. |
Property-public |
Total_Time |
PA Total_Time_Elapsed and Set_Total_Time. |
Method-public |
AddInAuxCurrents |
Only AutoAdd Obj uses this. |
Property-public |
SolveSystem |
Solves the circuit using KLUsolve. It needs several initializations before being called. |
Method-public |
GetPCInjCurr |
Gets injected currents from all enabled PC devices. |
Method-public |
GetSourceInjCurrents |
Gets injected currents from all enabled Source devices (VSource, ISource). |
Method-public |
ZeroInjCurr |
Clears the injection currents vector (0 + j0) |
Method-public |
Upload2IncMatrix |
Uploads the values to the incidence matrix. |
Method-public |
Calc_Inc_Matrix |
Calculates the incidence matrix for the Circuit. |
Method-public |
Calc_Inc_Matrix_Org |
Calculates the incidence matrix hierarchically organized for the Circuit. |
Property-public |
get_IncMatrix_Row |
Gets the index of the Row connected to the specified Column. |
Property-public |
get_IncMatrix_Col |
Gets the index of the Column connected to the specified Row. |
Property-public |
CheckLocationIdx |
Evaluates the area covered by the tearing point to see if there is a better one. |
Property-public |
get_PDE_Bus1_Location |
Gets the index of myPDE -> bus1 within the Inc matrix. |
Method-public |
AddLines2IncMatrix |
Adds the Lines to the Incidence matrix arrays. |
Method-public |
AddXfmr2IncMatrix |
Adds the Xfmrs to the Incidence matrix arrays. |
Method-public |
AddSeriesCap2IncMatrix |
Adds capacitors in series to the Incidence matrix arrays. |
Method-public |
AddSeriesReac2IncMatrix |
Adds Reactors in series to the Incidence matrix arrays. |
Method-public |
SendCmd2Actors |
Sends a message to other actors different than 1. |
Method-public |
UploadV2Master |
Uploads the local solution into the master's (actor 1) voltage array. |
Method-public |
UpdateISrc |
Updates the local ISources using the data available at Ic for actor 1. |
Property-public |
VoltInActor1 |
Returns the voltage indicated in NodeIdx in the context of the actor 1. |