DSSView.EXE is a custom 32-bit program that can read special output files from the OpenDSS Plot command and display simple charts and graphs. The program is automatically started by the OpenDSS Plot command or you may start it at any time and access previously created .DSV files. OpenDSS does not have to be running to reproduce these plots. Many of these same charts can be reproduced in MATLAB and other programs from data exported using the Export command or by accessing the values through the COM interface. See the Python examples.

DSS Visualization Tool is a program developed in 2017 to complement DSSView with advanced graphics. It has a separate installer. It is activated by the Set DSSVisualizationTool = TRUE command. The tool is described in the “Advance graphics Module for OpenDSS.PDF” file in the Doc folder distributed with the program.

IndMach012.DLL is a DLL file containing a special symmetrical component (012) model of an induction machine that can be connected to a Generator object model. This is provided both as a working model and as an example of how to build such a DLL. The source code is provided on the SourceForge.Net site. Note: The IndMach012 model was built into the OpenDSS program in 2017 as a PCelement. It has the same model as the DLL version.